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Mensajes - U3Games

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Mods Pack / [MOD] AFK Protection
« en: 16 de Mayo de 2017, 06:21:19 pm »

[EN] Automatically kicks inactive users.
[ES] Expulsa automáticamente a usuarios inactivos.

  • AFK Protection

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AFK Protection Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled AFK Protection System:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionEnabled = False

# Auto checks every X minutes:
# Default: 60
AFKProtectionDelay = 60

# Logout player in instances:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionInInstance = False

# Logout player in town:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionInTown = False

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Chat Protecction
« en: 15 de Mayo de 2017, 09:18:58 pm »

[EN] Mod intended for the protection of the server chat, with a sanction system and fully configurable.
[ES] Mod destinado a la proteccion del chat del servidor, con sistema de sanciones y totalmente configurable.

  • Chat Restrictions
  • Chat Filter Punishment
    • Bot Report system.
    • Jail system

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Chat Protecction Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Auto Chat Restriction System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Auto Chat Restriction System:
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionSystemEnabled = False

# Enabled chat in dead player mode:
# Default: True
ChatRestrictionDeadModeEnabled = True

# Enabled chat restriction for player level:
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionLevelEnabled = False

# Min level to use chat:
# Default: 15
ChatRestrictionMinLevel = 15

# Disabled say in chat channels (Requires ChatRestrictionLevelEnabled = True):
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionTypeChatEnabled = False

# Min level to use a type chat:
# Default: 45
ChatRestrictionTypeChatMinLevel = 45

# Disabled say in chat channels (Requires ChatRestrictionTypeChatEnabled = True):
# 0 = ALL (white)
# 1 = SHOUT (!)
# 2 = TELL (")
# 3 = PARTY (#)
# 4 = CLAN (@)
# 5 = GM (//gmchat)
# 7 = PETITION_GM (*)
# 8 = TRADE (+)
# 9 = ALLIANCE ($)
# 11 = BOAT
# 12 = L2FRIEND
# 13 = MSNCHAT
# 16 = PARTYROOM_ALL (Red)
# 17 = HERO_VOICE (&)
# 21 = MPCC_ROOM
# Default: [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]
ChatRestrictionTypeChannel = [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Chat Filter Punishment System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment System:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment Log:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentLogEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Jail Filter Punishment Reports:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentJailReportsEnabled = False

# Min censored messages to send player to jail:
# Default: 10
ChatsPunishmentJailMinWarning = 10

# Sentence time in jail, in minutes:
# Default: 60
ChatsPunishmentJailTime = 60

# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment Reports:
# WARNING: This mod require enabled Bot Report Enabled in
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentReportsEnabled = False

# Min censored messages to report to the player:
# Default: 5
ChatsPunishmentMinWarning = 5

# Disallow chat text which contains the words:
# Default: [ "www", "cfg", "l2net" ]
ChatsPunishmentForbiddenText = [ "www", "cfg", "l2net" ]

# Enabled filter in chat channels:
# 0 = ALL (white)
# 1 = SHOUT (!)
# 2 = TELL (")
# 3 = PARTY (#)
# 4 = CLAN (@)
# 5 = GM (//gmchat)
# 7 = PETITION_GM (*)
# 8 = TRADE (+)
# 9 = ALLIANCE ($)
# 11 = BOAT
# 12 = L2FRIEND
# 13 = MSNCHAT
# 16 = PARTYROOM_ALL (Red)
# 17 = HERO_VOICE (&)
# 21 = MPCC_ROOM
# Default: [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]
ChatsPunishmentChannel = [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]

Additional Information:

  • Chat Filter Punishment System, in addition to censoring the texts indicated in the "ChatsPunishmentForbiddenText" parameter, uses the server's "chatfilter.txt" config file.
  • When players use a word from the blacklist, they get a warning point. When you get those indicated in the mod parameters, you will be penalized.
  • ChatsPunishmentJailReports:
    • Upon reaching the necessary warning points, the player is sent to jail for the indicated time.
    • If the player has already been punished, every time he earns a warning point, he will be sent to jail again.
  • ChatsPunishmentReports:
    • Upon reaching the necessary warning points, every time you type a forbidden word, you will be reported.
    • Every time it is reported, the sanctions configured in the server's reporting system will be applied.
  • The list of players and their accumulation of warning points are restored when the server is restarted.
  • The sanctions are cumulative.

Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Information & News / Twitter, Subscribe!
« en: 14 de Mayo de 2017, 09:51:09 pm »

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Mods Pack / [MOD] New Charater System
« en: 14 de Mayo de 2017, 01:02:31 pm »

[EN] Mod that facilitates the modification of the effects and the title of the new players.
[ES] Mod que facilita la modificación de los efectos y el título de los nuevos jugadores.

  • Level configurable
  • Custom Title Name
  • Custom Visual Effects
  • Buff Skill Effects


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Charater System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Max level for add effects in new players:
# Default: 15
MaxLevel = 15

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Title Name Character Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled custom title for newbie players:
# Default: False
TitleNameCharacterEnabled = False

# String title for player:
# Default: U3Games
TitleNameCharacter = U3Games

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Visual Effects Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled visual effect:
# Default: False
VisualEffectsEnabled = False

# Name of visual effect for player ( PARALYZE, SILENCE, ...).
VisualEffectsName = STIGMA_OF_SILEN

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Buff Skill Effects Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled buff for newbie players:
# Default: False
BuffSkillEffectsEnabled = False

# Buff for mage players.
# Default: [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1500 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1085 , level = 1 } ]
BuffSkillEffectsMageId = [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1500 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1085 , level = 1 } ]

# Buff for fighter players.
# Default: [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1502 , level = 1 }, { id = 1499 , level = 1 } ]
BuffSkillEffectsFighterId = [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1502 , level = 1 }, { id = 1499 , level = 1 } ]

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Anti Drain Mob Protecction
« en: 13 de Mayo de 2017, 09:29:46 pm »

[EN] System of protection to avoid the use of life regeneration skills to mobs during a pvp combat (Flag Mode).
[ES] Sistema de protección para evitar el uso de skills de regeneración de vida a mobs durante un combate pvp (Flag Mode).

  • Anti Drain Mob System

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drain Mob Protection Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Anti Drain Mob Protection:
# Default: False
DrainMobProtectionEnabled = False

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Dead Effects System
« en: 13 de Mayo de 2017, 07:53:57 pm »

[EN] System of effects for when a player is killed by another player.
[ES] Sistema de efectos para cuando un jugador es matado por otro jugador.

  • Dead Sky Effect
  • Dead Camera Effect
  • Show Stats Opponent Chat Msg

  • Show Stats Opponent Screen Msg


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Effects System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# -------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Sky Effect Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Dead Sky Effect:
# Default: False
DeadSkyEffectEnabled = False

# Enabled effect only in instance zone:
# Default: False
DeadSkyEffectInInstance = False

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Show Stats Opponent System Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Show Stats Opponent:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Text Message:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentChatMsgEnabled = False

# Enabled Screen Message:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentScreenMsgEnabled = False

# Time of Screen Message (seconds):
# Default: 3
ShowStatsOpponentScreenMsgTime = 3

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Camera Effect Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Dead Camera Effect:
# Default: False
DeadCameraEffectEnabled = False

# Enabled effect only in instance zone:
# Default: False
DeadCameraEffectInInstance = False

# Force distance of objects (Camera<->Killer):
# Default: 10
DeadCameraEffectDistanceForce = 10

# Killer point of view:
# North = 90, South = 270, East = 0, West = 180
# Default: 0
DeadCameraEffectAngle1 = 0

# Killer camera angles (coefficient):
# Default: 5
DeadCameraEffectAngle2 = 5

# Movement speed of the camera (milliseconds):
# Default: 5000
DeadCameraEffectTime = 5000

# Range to movement speed of the camera (milliseconds):
# Default: DeadCameraEffectTime/2
DeadCameraEffectRange = 2500

# Animation delay (milliseconds):
# Default: 3000
DeadCameraEffectDuration = 5000

# Other Settings:
DeadCameraEffectYaw = 0
DeadCameraEffectPitch = 1
DeadCameraEffectWide = 0
DeadCameraEffectAngle3 = 0

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Raid Boss Spawn Event
« en: 15 de Abril de 2017, 04:18:27 pm »

[EN] Automatic event, when a random raid boss appears. All players who helped kill him are rewarded.
[ES] Evento automatico, cuando esta activo aparece un raid boss aleatorio. Todos los jugadores que ayudaron a matarlo son recompensados.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Raid Boss Spawn Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Raid Boss Spawn:
# Default: False
RaidBossSpawnEnabled = False

# Enabled log message console:
# Default: False
RaidBossSpawnLogEnabled = False

# Location for Event NPC to spawn in form x,y,z:
# Default: [ { x = 149494 , y = 46770, z = -3408 } ] // Coliseum Aden
RaidBossSpawnCoords = [ { x = 149494 , y = 46770, z = -3408 } ]

# Time to start event (minutes):
# Default: 30
RaidBossSpawnStartTime = 30

# Time to restart event (minutes):
# Default: 300
RaidBossSpawnRestartTime = 300

# Active event time (minutes):
# Default: 60
RaidBossSpawnDurationTime = 60

# List of mobs for the event:
# Default: ["25527", "25319"]
RaidBossSpawnNpcId = ["25527", "25319"]

# Ratio of mob to player for reward:
# Default: 1500
RaidBossSpawnRatio = 1500

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
RaidBossSpawnRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]

# Drop setting:
# Default: [ { idDrop = 1539 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 85 }, { idDrop = 728 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 75 }, { idDrop = 1538 , minDrop = 1 , maxDrop = 10 , chanceDrop = 50 } ]
RaidBossSpawnDropRewards = [ { idDrop = 1539 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 85 }, { idDrop = 728 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 75 }, { idDrop = 1538 , minDrop = 1 , maxDrop = 10 , chanceDrop = 50 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Kill The Mob Event
« en: 15 de Abril de 2017, 03:45:51 pm »

[EN] Automatic event, when active who kills the indicated mob, will get an additional reward.
[ES] Evento automatico, cuando esta activo quien mate al mob indicado, obtendra una recompensa adicional.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kill The Mob Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Kill The Mob:
# Default: False
KillTheMobEnabled = False

# Enabled log message console:
# Default: False
KillTheMobLogEnabled = False

# Time to start event (minutes):
# Default: 10
KillTheMobStartTime = 10

# Time to restart event (minutes):
# Default: 180
KillTheMobRestartTime = 180

# Active event time (minutes):
# Default: 30
KillTheMobDurationTime = 30

# Multiplies the rate of XP dropped from monster:
# Default: 2
KillTheMobRateXp = 2

# Multiplies the rate of SP dropped from monster:
# Default: 2
KillTheMobRateSp = 2

# List of mobs to kill in event:
# Default: ["22857", "22828"]
KillTheMobNpcId = ["22857", "22828"]

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
ModKillTheMobRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Kill The Champion Event
« en: 15 de Abril de 2017, 03:18:00 pm »

[EN] Automatic event, when active who kills a champion, will get an additional reward.
[ES] Evento automatico, cuando esta activo quien mate a un campeon, obtendra una recompensa adicional.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kill The Champion Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Kill The Champion:
# Default: False
KillTheChampionEnabled = False

# Enabled log message console:
# Default: False
KillTheChampionLogEnabled = False

# Time to start event (minutes):
# Default: 25
KillTheChampionStartTime = 25

# Time to restart event (minutes):
# Default: 168
KillTheChampionRestartTime = 168

# Active event time (minutes):
# Default: 30
KillTheChampionDurationTime = 30

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
KillTheChampionRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Player Online Rewards Event
« en: 15 de Abril de 2017, 02:19:24 pm »

[EN] Give the player who takes X time online a reward.
[ES] Otorga al jugador que lleve X tiempo online una recompensa.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Player Online Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled player Online Event:
# Default: False
PlayerOnlineEventEnabled = False

# Time online to reward (minutes):
# Default: 60
PlayerOnlineEventRewardTime = 60

# Min level of player to reward (minutes):
# Default: 45
PlayerOnlineEventLevel = 45

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
PlayerOnlineEventRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Premium System
« en: 11 de Abril de 2017, 04:53:35 pm »

[EN] Custom rate and effects system for premium users.
[ES] Sistema de rates y efectos personalizados para los usuarios premium.

  • Premium Drop
  • Premium Effects

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auto Restart System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# Sign up and join our community!

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Premium System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Premium System:
# Default: False
PremiumEnabled = False

# Enabled information messages:
# Default: False
PremiumMsgEnabled = False

# Enabled system by item:
# Default: False
PremiumItemEnabled = False

# List of item premium:
# Default: ["999000","999001"]
PremiumItemId = ["999000","999001"]

# Enabled system by access level:
# Default: False
PremiumAccesLevelEnabled = False

# Acces level require:
# Default: 8
PremiumAccesLevel = 8

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Premium Effects System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Premium Effects System:
# Default: False
PremiumEffectsEnabled = False

# Visual Effect for player (AbnormalVisualEffect: PARALYZE, SILENCE, ...):
PremiumEffectsName = STIGMA_OF_SILEN

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Premium Drop System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Premium Drop System:
# Default: False
PremiumDropEnabled = False

# Adenas rate for premium players:
PremiumDropRateAdenas = 2
PremiumDropRateCorpseAdenas = 3

# Xp rate for premium players:
PremiumDropRateXp = 2
PremiumDropRateCorpseXp = 3

# Sp chance for premium players:
PremiumDropRateSp = 2
PremiumDropRateCorpseSp = 3

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

Downloads & Guides / L2JDevs Project Standard
« en: 03 de Abril de 2017, 09:03:48 pm »
Hi guys!

If you're looking this post is because you're interesting in L2JDevs suscription. Great!

Some of the features:

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The suscription includes the following:

  • All mods of Mods Engine free.
  • All events of Events Engine free.
  • Bugs priorization.
  • Private group chat with the L2JDevs team members.
  • Compiled server pack with, at least, one update per month.
  • Access to Geo Files VIP area and support.
  • Access to the VIP area and support.
  • A license for your l2jdevs-server.

Suscription Price:

The suscription costs €150,00 € per year until December 31, 2019.

The suscription costs €200,00 € per year until December 31, 2021.

The suscription costs €300,00 € per year. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

Renovation Price:

The renewal of this subscription costs €100,00 € per year.
  • Price valid for all users who have the premium rank in the community.
  • To renew contact the administrator You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

If you're interesting in the suscription but you don't need a year suscription or you don't have the totally money, contact me by PM to talk about that.

Best regards.

Mods Pack / [MOD] Out Mode System
« en: 01 de Abril de 2017, 09:31:36 pm »

[EN] So that a disconnected player remains connected to the server in offline mode.
[ES] Para que un jugador desconectado, permanece conectado dentro del servidor en modo offline.


All players is in OUT MODE, offline ^^

  • Out Mode Player State
  • Setting Configuration
  • SQL save for restart server.
  • Custom effects to player (name color).

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Out Mode System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Out Mode System:
# Default: False
OutModeEnable = False

# Restore out mode player after restart/shutdown:
# Default: False
OutModeRestore = False

# Only restores admin players or all players in out mode:
# True only restore admins, False restore all players.
# Default: False
OutModeOnlyAdmin = False

# Only restores players with a higher access level than indicated (only work with OutModeOnlyAdmin = False):
# 0 is disabled filter, restore all players.
# Default: 0
OutModeAccessLevel = 0

# Only restores players with a minimal level than indicated:
# 0 is disabled filter, restore all players.
# Default: 35
OutModeMinLevel = 35

# If set to True, out mode player will be possible only peace zones:
# Default: False
OutModeInPeaceZone = False

# If set to True, name color will be changed then entering out mode:
# Default: False
OutModeNameColorEnabled = False

# Color of the name in out mode (if OutModeNameColorEnabled = True):
# Default: FFFFFF
OutModeNameColor = FFFFFF

# Do not restore out mode characters, after OutModeMaxDays days spent from first restore:
# Require server restart to disconnect expired state.
# 0 = disabled (always in out mode state).
# Default: 0
OutModeMaxDays = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IA Setting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled auto actions in out mode players (minutes):
# 0 is disabled this feature.
# Default: 10
OutModeActionTime = 10

# Enabled auto actions in out mode players (if OutModeActionTime > 0):
# Default: True
OutModeActionEnabled = True

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

- IA Out Mode: Auto actions random.

Downloads & Guides / L2JDevs License Key
« en: 31 de Marzo de 2017, 07:21:15 pm »
What is the license system?

It is a protection system that limits the use of the server to a single host, thus avoiding malicious use of our project (resales).

How does it work?

You only have to complete the following fields with the data obtained when subscribing to the Vip group.

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# L2JAuthorization Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of your authorized account.
# Default: user
Account = user

# Password of your authorized account.
# Default: password
Password = password

# Public network address of the server.
# Default:
ServerHostname =


The suscription costs €50.00. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

*If you're interesting in the suscription but you don't need a year suscription or you don't have the totally money, contact me by PM to talk about that.


¿Cuánto dura una licencia?
  • La licencia no tiene caducidad, es para siempre.
¿Puedo cambiar la IP de mi host una vez ya registrada?
  • No, si vuestra IP es dinámica pueden usar el servicio NO-IP.
¿Se puede comprar un pack entre varios usuarios y usar la misma licencia?
  • Si, se puede comprar un pack entre varias personas pero solo dispondrán de una única licencia.
¿Se puede comprar más de una licencias?
  • Sí, puedes comprar todas las licencias deseadas.

Downloads & Guides / L2JDevs Project Geo
« en: 31 de Marzo de 2017, 07:21:02 pm »

Patience and perseverance!

This is our private project for the geographic data development of the Lineage II server. Thanks to the reports of users who use our geodata, we have constant updates in the project, in addition to the improvements that are made. In this way, you will always have your geographical data updated.

What is geodata?

The Geodata are the geographic files of the server, that is, the files that contain the information of the terrain on the server; walls, obstacles, buildings, rivers, etc. They are divided into two groups; geodata and pathnode.

This data is used by the server to determine if a player can or does not pass through a site or simply, whether or not it can attack a target behind a wall. Its function is to make the game as realistic as possible.

When it is not activated, unexpected behaviors occur; for example, that mobs attack through walls, through doors, etc ... Therefore, it is always good to have activated.


- You can use the arrow keys to move with the character.
- Avoid traversed attacks known as Wallshoot (attacks going through walls).
- Activates the Walker's functions, that is, if there are obstacles, it avoids them and follows its route.
- Avoid attacking targets that you do not see through obstacles, structures, etc.
- Optimized terrain limitations.


- Requires a server with at least a minimum of 8G RAM, more customers would need more.
- Slow server load (if it is a server localhost test is not recommended).


The suscription costs €25.00 per year. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

If you're interesting in the suscription but you don't need a year suscription or you don't have the totally money, contact me by PM to talk about that.

Best regards.

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