General Information > Development

[TODO] Instances


List and development status in which it is currently.

• Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
• Olive ----- Feature that has already been tested and added, but needs improvement.
• Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
• Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

* CastleDungeon
* CavernOfThePirateCaptain
* CavernOfThePirateCaptainNight
* ChambersOfDelusion
* CrystalCaverns
* DarkCloudMansion
* DisciplesNecropolisPast
* ElcadiasTent
* FinalEmperialTomb
* HideoutOfTheDawn
* IceQueensCastle
* IceQueensCastleNormalBattle
* JiniaGuildHideout1
* JiniaGuildHideout2
* JiniaGuildHideout3
* JiniaGuildHideout4
* Kamaloka
* LibraryOfSages
* MithrilMine
* MonasteryOfSilence1
* NornilsGarden
* NornilsGardenQuest
* PailakaDevilsLegacy
* PailakaSongOfIceAndFire
* RimKamaloka
* SanctumOftheLordsOfDawn
* SecretAreaInTheKeucereusFortress1


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