Events Engine Development > Events Pack

[EVENT] Team Vs Team



[EN] Player vs player event by teams, fully configurable.
[ES] Evento player vs player por equipos, totalmente configurable.



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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Team vs Team Event (By L2JDevs Event Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -------------------------------------------------------
# General Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Event name:
# Default: TeamVsTeam
EventName = TeamVsTeam

# Event free waiting time (in seconds).
# Default: 5
EventWaitingTime = 5

# Event running time (in minutes).
# Default: 10
EventRunningTime = 10

# Minimum amount of players for start event:
# Default: 2
EventMinPlayers = 2

# Maximum amount of players in event:
# Default: 100
EventMaxPlayers = 100

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Reward Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Rewards for winner player or team:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]
EventWinnerReward = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]

# Rewards bonus for player to kill:
# Default: [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]
EventBonusReward = [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Features Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Activate the friendly fire, allows attacking players of the same team.
# Default = True
FriendlyFireEnabled = False

# Event Rules:
EventPotionsAllowed = True
EventScrollsAllowed = True
EventSubclassAllowed = True
EventBuffAllowed = True

--- Fin del código ---

Upcoming Features:

• Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
• Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
• Red --------- Feature is not yet available.


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