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Mods General Information / [INFO][MODS] General Information
« en: 19 de Marzo de 2017, 11:55:45 am »

L2JMods is an add-on, fully written in Java, for L2J servers that allows you add mods without any server modification.

What is a mod? It's a customization of some parts of original game. For example, raid boss events, dress me, achievements system, turn the sky red when a player kills another, etc.

L2JMods core is free and you can install it in five minutes with the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

Some mods available are:
  • Show Stats Opponent System.
  • Anti Drain Mob System.
  • Dead Effects System.
  • Chat System.
  • Treasure Legion Event.
  • Player Online Rewards.
  • Protection System.
  • And so on..
If you want to see the full list, checkout the following You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

L2JMods was made with ❤️ and we hope you can enjoy it so much!

If you have any trouble, contact us for help.

Mods General Information / [INFO][MODS] Instalation Guide
« en: 19 de Marzo de 2017, 11:55:24 am »

Simple and efficient!

The mod engine instantiation consists of two parts, the first is to make the mod engine be loaded on the server and finally, to incorporate the desired mods.

The mods are totally configurable from their personal configuration.

Download Mods Engine:

  • L2JMods Engine V4 (Support Java 15):
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  • L2JServer
  • L2JMobius
  • L2JSunrise
  • L2JaCis

  • L2JMods Engine V4 (Support Java 14):
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  • L2JMods Engine V3 (Support Java 11):
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (for version You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login & You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login or higher).
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  • L2JMods Engine V2 (Support Java 8):
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Instalation Mods Engine:

  • Inside the .rar, go to L2JModsEngine/libs, copy L2JModsEngine.jar and paste it inside libs folder in your server project.
  • Re-compile your server files. This is really necessary because now you have the mod jar inside libs folder it'll generate the classpath (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, just know it's mandatory).
  • Get the new l2jserver.jar, copy and paste it inside your server folder in game/. You have to replace the old one.
  • Copy L2JModsEngine.jar again and paste it inside libs in your server.
  • Inside the engine .rar, search for the folder 'game', copy and paste it in your server folder. This will add the script to initialize the engine in the following route: game/data/scripts/custom/L2JModsEngine.
  • Last step! Open your scripts.cfg and paste the line custom/L2JModsEngine/

Instalation Mod Pack:

  • Download mods in the following You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login(link is only available for subscribers).
  • Paste the mod jars inside game/modsengine/mods folder.
  • When you start the server, if everything went well, you'll see the configuration files generated inside mods folder.

If you have any trouble, please, contact us for help.

Enjoy it!

Information & News / Facebook, Subscribe!
« en: 11 de Marzo de 2017, 10:12:47 am »

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Downloads & Guides / [F.A.Q.] Payment Subscriptions
« en: 11 de Marzo de 2017, 10:06:02 am »
• ¿Qué son las suscripciones?

En resumen, se trata de un sistema de pago automático mediante el uso de tarjeta o vía PayPal que proporciona al usuario acceder a un grupo específico de la comunidad con permisos exclusivos que le proporciona acceso a secciones ocultas de nuestra comunidad. Por ejemplo...

Si alguien desea comprar uno de nuestros paquetes, por ejemplo el de soporte, ha de suscribirse en  el grupo de soporte. Una vez suscrito, tendrá acceso a una sección oculta en nuestra comunidad relacionada con nuestro sistema de soporte.

• ¿Precios de las suscripciones?

El precio de una suscripción esta concretamente relacionada al tiempo suscrito a dicho contenido privado al que desean acceder. Por lo que a mayor tiempo suscrito, mayor será el precio a pagar. Pero claro, para incentivar la duración de las suscripciones, habrán descuentos adicionales para los que paguen por estar más tiempo suscritos.

• ¿Tiempo y renovación de las suscripciones?

Las suscripciones son temporales, por lo que uno puede decidir el tiempo que desea estar con dicha suscripción. Además podrá renovarla siempre que lo desee, incluso automáticamente. Todo esto puede realizarse desde el mismo panel de suscripciones.

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As of January 1, 2020, the price of this subscription will undergo the following changes:
  • Initial subscription price will not be the same as the renewal, all this as long as it is renewed within the period of validity of the subscription.
  • Price of git access to the standard compiled pack only increases by 50€.
  • The possibility of making the semi-annual payment is added, designed for users, who for the reason they have, do not want to risk renew annually
The new price conditions are detailed below:
  • Initial Price: 200€ (16,66€ per month) (as long as it is a new registration or put another way, the first year), under the same terms and conditions as the previous subscribers.
  • Semi-annual renewal price 40% discount about the initial price, devised for users who are within the term of their subscription and wish to renew, 120€ (20€ per month) for the renewal or extension of 6 more months.
  • Annual renewal price 25% discount about the initial price, devised for users who are within the term of their subscription and wish to renew, 150€ (12,50€ per month) for the renewal or extension of 12 more months.

Information / [INFO] What is L2JDevs? Basic Information
« en: 28 de Febrero de 2017, 09:54:13 am »
• ¿Qué es L2JDevs?

Se trata de una comunidad que facilita a sus clientes, mediante servicios contratados, todas las herramientas necesarias para poder tener sus propios servidores del Lineage II, bajo nuestro propio emulador basado en la última versión disponible de L2JServer y Engines, totalmente escritos en java. Además de ofrecer servicios de soporte técnico y servidor test, para que antes de comprar un servicio, informaros como es debido de su contenido y/o privilegios.

• ¿Por qué nosotros?

Actividad, estabilidad, adaptación, soporte, customizaciones, fácil de configurar y un largo etc.. pero te lo explicamos!

Con la alta demanda y la actual inactividad de emuladores en el mercado, hemos tomado la iniciativa de continuar otorgando soporte, desarrollo y un sin fin de posibilidades. Poseemos actuamente un gran equipo de profesionales, además de una amplia gama de servicios, pero sobre todo por el continuo desarrollo de nuestros proyectos. Ante ustedes, el emulador más completo y eficiente de todos los tiempos.

A destacar nuestro sistema y equipo de soporte multi-lenguajes. ¿Qué proyecto ofrece eso?

• Servicios disponibles:

Cada servicio es independendiente uno del otro, por lo que se ofrecen en paquetes de suscripciones diferentes e individuales. Además, también disponemos de paquetes completos e incluso al contratar un servicio concreto, regalamos un servicio adicional.
  • L2JDevs Server Pack
  • Events Engine
  • Mods Engine
  • Geo Data
  • Support

• Actualizaciones:

Cada servicio contratado tiene sus propias secciones de contribución, soporte y reportes en nuestra comunidad. Por este motivo, el proyecto está en continuo desarrollo. Todos los reportes por parte de nuestros clientes son rápidamente solucionados.

Y claro, si un usuario tiene nuestros servicios contratados durante 1 año por ejemplo, también tendrá acceso a dichas actualizaciones concurridas durante ese año.

Information / Development Methodology
« en: 28 de Febrero de 2017, 09:53:47 am »
Programming languages used:




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Graphic History:

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Information / Team and contributors
« en: 28 de Febrero de 2017, 09:53:38 am »

Current owners of the project.
  • U3Games


Current developers of the project.
  • Sacrifice
  • Swarlog
  • MaGa1

Old Developer:

Former developers of the project.
  • luksdlt92
  • WhiteDevGame
  • F3N1X


Authors of some of the contributions that our project has. In L2JDevs, we respect!
  • Zoey76
  • UnAfraid
  • _DS_
  • JIV
  • DrHouse
  • janiii
  • Zealar
  • nBd
  • NosBit
  • GodKratos
  • Sami
  • Adry_85
  • Nik
  • Gigiikun
  • Charus
  • Adry85
  • xban1x
  • Battlecruiser
  • Julian
  • DrLecter
  • St3eT
  • Lucheti
  • malyelfik
  • VlLight
  • Ahmed
  • JosePC
  • BiggBoss
  • durgus
  • HorridoJoho
  • shansoft
  • KenM
  • Juris
  • Ziktofel
  • mrTJO
  • zarie
  • Christian
  • lion
  • MichaelYu
  • Denser
  • Mez
  • nonom
  • Gnacik
  • p3110145
  • Sdw-
  • RumenNikiforov
  • ivantotov
  • Alex
  • AlanGregory
  • FuckingHostile
  • Aikimaniac
  • Forsaiken
  • UchihaSV
  • Avanael
  • Joxit
  • Zephyr
  • TheGitterBadger
  • godson
  • Tan
  • Bloodshed
  • Jose
  • Sandro
  • Cr.8
  • maneco2
  • jurchiks
  • pampol
  • Sebastien76
  • gmtot
  • Lewox
  • Deva
  • IrLex
  • PavelMezhuev
  • Goliath
  • Strofix
  • Mariela
  • Djhonn
  • Nain
  • And more!!

Information & News / Telegram Chat Support
« en: 12 de Febrero de 2017, 07:04:05 pm »

· Information:

Telegram is a free cloud-based instant messaging service. Telegram clients exist for both mobile (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Ubuntu Touch) and desktop systems (Windows, macOS, Linux). Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and files of any type. Telegram also provides optional end-to-end-encrypted messaging.

· Download:

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· Channel:

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· Chats:

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Development / [TODO] General Core Features
« en: 11 de Febrero de 2017, 09:24:54 pm »
List and development status in which it is currently.

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Olive ----- Feature that has already been tested and added, but needs improvement.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

General Features:

· Add Support for "If a character is too high above, they cannot unsummon their Wyvern".
· Reinforcing Knight Unit and Royal Unit feature.
· In H5 Debuffs bar is the Fifth row. Displays the debuffs your character is currently affected by Displays up to 12 debuffs.
· Add Support for TerritoryWarZone.
· You should be able to enable/disable TOGGLE skills while casting others skills.
· When you end a Clan War, you must get a 5·day penalty.
· Add Support to reload faenor xmls in game without restart.
· Unhardcode daily quest from
· Add Support for TaxZone.
· Add Support for SSQZone.
· Add Support for <set name="for_npc" val="true" /> on items (default false when is not present).
· GM restriction shouldn't be disabled by default, it should be configurable in options.
· if you talk with a npc and you try to move it says: You cannot move while speaking to an NPC. One moment please (System message id: 3226).
· Clan crest images should be deleted automatically from "crest" folder, if clan is deleted or not present in DB.
· (H5) Servitors of Necromancer, Soultaker, Warlock, Arcana Lord, Elemental Summoner, Elemental Master, Phantom Summoner, and Spectral Master now share their master's attack/defense elemental attributes.
· A user currently participating in the Olympiad cannot send party and friend invitations.
· In retail if you click far away to move and use sit option, character will run to the place you marked, then sit.
· When you are runing/walking in game and you use a self·buff skill, movement should be stopped completly.
· Add Support for "Since the Clan Reputation Score has dropped to 0 or lower, your clan skill(s) will be de·activated".
· Add Support for "Clan skills will now be activated since the clan's reputation score is 0 or higher."
· A sub·class may not be created or changed while a servitor or pet is summoned.
· A sub·class cannot be created or changed while you are over your weight limit.
· A sub·class cannot be created or changed because you have exceeded your inventory limit.
· Support for enchanted Items by default (needed for Improved NG weapons and probably some others items).
· Fix skillType MANA_BY_LEVEL.
· replace all hardcoded npc shouts with client sided strings.
· Add support for "when you are in a boat should be peace zone always".
· Grand Olympiad Enhancements (arenas have been changed to Instanced Zones).
· Nevit's System (Freya/H5).
· The Party/Channel Matching System (H5 Changes).
· Monsters automatically moves back if they wanders too far from his main position.
· Pets/Summons should be stored when character logout (With their buffs and lifetime and equipment).
· Freight system got reimplemented (for Dimensional Items only).
· Mail System (H5 Changes).
· Rework pet inventory (Inventory remains on pet after it is unsummoned. When the pet is summoned again, a weight/inventory check is performed to determine if items are added back to owners inventory or dropped on the ground.)
· Update castle, fort siege.
· Siegable Clan Halls (missing feature since C2).
· SkillType: CANCEL_ALL (Should cancel all buffs/debuffs).
· ZoneType: HqZone (Instead of NoHq ).
· Add UPNP support.
· Rates config quest add in quest java.
· Value config quest for range to mobs.
· Random Spawn.
· Mobs now use SS and BSS.


· Multi Threading updated.
· Thread Pool Manager updated.
· All npc spawn rework (XML retail spawn position).
· Skills rework and updated.
· Items rework and updated.
· Npc rework and updated.


· Authorization licence system.
· All project updated to java 17.
· Languaje System (Multi-Lang).
· Premium Account System.
· L2JEvents Engine.
· L2JMods Engine.

Other Features:

· Fisherman Manager System.
· Dimensional Merchant.
· Handy's Block Checker.
· Krateis cube.
· Aerial Cleft.
· Monster Parade.
· Underground Coliseum.
· Prime Shop System.
· Pc Points System.

Information & News / Open Community!
« en: 11 de Febrero de 2017, 05:24:27 pm »

Greetings dear users!

For a few days we have been working so hard on our website and in our community and emulator, impatient and not giving you hope you like the new style we have chosen for our community.

A greeting from the entire team will continue to work ...

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