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Mods Pack / [MOD] High Ping Protection
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 16 de Mayo de 2017, 06:46:32 pm »

[EN] It expels players with a lot of latency (lag).
[ES] Expulsa a los jugadores con mucha latencia (lag).

  • High Ping Protection

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# High Ping Protection Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled High Ping Protection:
# Default: True
Enabled = True

# Host where verification is performed.
# It can be either the IP address ( or the hostname (
# Default: localhost
Host = localhost

# Port of the host where the verification is performed.
# It is 100% IMPERATIVE to have the port OPEN on the host defined.
# Default: 80
Port = 80

# Show the message with the current ping in the player chat window?
# Default: True
ShowPing = True

# Automatically check the ping every "x" time (in minutes).
# Default: 30
CheckDelay = 30

# Maximum ping supported (from 1 to 200 ms is permissible, from 250 ms, it becomes impossible to play).
# IMPORTANT: When ping is greater than or equal to indicated, then the player will be logged out of the server.
# IMPORTANT: Value 0 for disabled kick player.
# Default: 250
MaxPing = 250

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

- Add local command for test ping
Mods Pack / [MOD] Over Enchant Protection
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 16 de Mayo de 2017, 06:33:42 pm »

[EN] Check and remove enchanted objects that exceed the established limit.
[ES] Chequear y eliminar objetos encantados que superan el límite establecido.

  • Over Enchant Protection

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sub Class Cumulative Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Over Enchant Protection System:
# Default: False
OverEnchantProtectionEnabled = False

# Enabled Over Enchant Log Messages:
# Default: False
OverEnchantProtectionLogMsg = False

# Enabled Punishment (delete Item of player):
# Default: False
OverEnchantPunishmentEnabled = False

# Max level of enchants:
# Default: 12
OverEnchantMaxLevel = 12

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.

  • Change weapon augmentation level to the maximum value indicated in properties.
Mods Pack / [MOD] AFK Protection
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 16 de Mayo de 2017, 06:21:19 pm »

[EN] Automatically kicks inactive users.
[ES] Expulsa automáticamente a usuarios inactivos.

  • AFK Protection

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AFK Protection Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled AFK Protection System:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionEnabled = False

# Auto checks every X minutes:
# Default: 60
AFKProtectionDelay = 60

# Logout player in instances:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionInInstance = False

# Logout player in town:
# Default: False
AFKProtectionInTown = False

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Chat Protecction
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 15 de Mayo de 2017, 09:18:58 pm »

[EN] Mod intended for the protection of the server chat, with a sanction system and fully configurable.
[ES] Mod destinado a la proteccion del chat del servidor, con sistema de sanciones y totalmente configurable.

  • Chat Restrictions
  • Chat Filter Punishment
    • Bot Report system.
    • Jail system

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Chat Protecction Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# -------------------------------------------------------
# Auto Chat Restriction System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Auto Chat Restriction System:
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionSystemEnabled = False

# Enabled chat in dead player mode:
# Default: True
ChatRestrictionDeadModeEnabled = True

# Enabled chat restriction for player level:
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionLevelEnabled = False

# Min level to use chat:
# Default: 15
ChatRestrictionMinLevel = 15

# Disabled say in chat channels (Requires ChatRestrictionLevelEnabled = True):
# Default: False
ChatRestrictionTypeChatEnabled = False

# Min level to use a type chat:
# Default: 45
ChatRestrictionTypeChatMinLevel = 45

# Disabled say in chat channels (Requires ChatRestrictionTypeChatEnabled = True):
# 0 = ALL (white)
# 1 = SHOUT (!)
# 2 = TELL (")
# 3 = PARTY (#)
# 4 = CLAN (@)
# 5 = GM (//gmchat)
# 7 = PETITION_GM (*)
# 8 = TRADE (+)
# 9 = ALLIANCE ($)
# 11 = BOAT
# 12 = L2FRIEND
# 13 = MSNCHAT
# 16 = PARTYROOM_ALL (Red)
# 17 = HERO_VOICE (&)
# 21 = MPCC_ROOM
# Default: [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]
ChatRestrictionTypeChannel = [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Chat Filter Punishment System
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment System:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment Log:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentLogEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Jail Filter Punishment Reports:
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentJailReportsEnabled = False

# Min censored messages to send player to jail:
# Default: 10
ChatsPunishmentJailMinWarning = 10

# Sentence time in jail, in minutes:
# Default: 60
ChatsPunishmentJailTime = 60

# Enabled Chat Filter Punishment Reports:
# WARNING: This mod require enabled Bot Report Enabled in
# Default: False
ChatsPunishmentReportsEnabled = False

# Min censored messages to report to the player:
# Default: 5
ChatsPunishmentMinWarning = 5

# Disallow chat text which contains the words:
# Default: [ "www", "cfg", "l2net" ]
ChatsPunishmentForbiddenText = [ "www", "cfg", "l2net" ]

# Enabled filter in chat channels:
# 0 = ALL (white)
# 1 = SHOUT (!)
# 2 = TELL (")
# 3 = PARTY (#)
# 4 = CLAN (@)
# 5 = GM (//gmchat)
# 7 = PETITION_GM (*)
# 8 = TRADE (+)
# 9 = ALLIANCE ($)
# 11 = BOAT
# 12 = L2FRIEND
# 13 = MSNCHAT
# 16 = PARTYROOM_ALL (Red)
# 17 = HERO_VOICE (&)
# 21 = MPCC_ROOM
# Default: [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]
ChatsPunishmentChannel = [ "0", "1", "8", "17"]

Additional Information:

  • Chat Filter Punishment System, in addition to censoring the texts indicated in the "ChatsPunishmentForbiddenText" parameter, uses the server's "chatfilter.txt" config file.
  • When players use a word from the blacklist, they get a warning point. When you get those indicated in the mod parameters, you will be penalized.
  • ChatsPunishmentJailReports:
    • Upon reaching the necessary warning points, the player is sent to jail for the indicated time.
    • If the player has already been punished, every time he earns a warning point, he will be sent to jail again.
  • ChatsPunishmentReports:
    • Upon reaching the necessary warning points, every time you type a forbidden word, you will be reported.
    • Every time it is reported, the sanctions configured in the server's reporting system will be applied.
  • The list of players and their accumulation of warning points are restored when the server is restarted.
  • The sanctions are cumulative.

Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
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« Último mensaje por U3Games en 14 de Mayo de 2017, 09:51:09 pm »

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Mods Pack / [MOD] New Charater System
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 14 de Mayo de 2017, 01:02:31 pm »

[EN] Mod that facilitates the modification of the effects and the title of the new players.
[ES] Mod que facilita la modificación de los efectos y el título de los nuevos jugadores.

  • Level configurable
  • Custom Title Name
  • Custom Visual Effects
  • Buff Skill Effects


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Charater System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Max level for add effects in new players:
# Default: 15
MaxLevel = 15

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Title Name Character Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled custom title for newbie players:
# Default: False
TitleNameCharacterEnabled = False

# String title for player:
# Default: U3Games
TitleNameCharacter = U3Games

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Visual Effects Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled visual effect:
# Default: False
VisualEffectsEnabled = False

# Name of visual effect for player ( PARALYZE, SILENCE, ...).
VisualEffectsName = STIGMA_OF_SILEN

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Buff Skill Effects Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled buff for newbie players:
# Default: False
BuffSkillEffectsEnabled = False

# Buff for mage players.
# Default: [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1500 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1085 , level = 1 } ]
BuffSkillEffectsMageId = [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1500 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1085 , level = 1 } ]

# Buff for fighter players.
# Default: [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1502 , level = 1 }, { id = 1499 , level = 1 } ]
BuffSkillEffectsFighterId = [ { id = 1504 , level = 1 }, { id = 1501 , level = 1 }, { id = 1502 , level = 1 }, { id = 1499 , level = 1 } ]

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Anti Drain Mob Protecction
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 13 de Mayo de 2017, 09:29:46 pm »

[EN] System of protection to avoid the use of life regeneration skills to mobs during a pvp combat (Flag Mode).
[ES] Sistema de protección para evitar el uso de skills de regeneración de vida a mobs durante un combate pvp (Flag Mode).

  • Anti Drain Mob System

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drain Mob Protection Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Anti Drain Mob Protection:
# Default: False
DrainMobProtectionEnabled = False

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Dead Effects System
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 13 de Mayo de 2017, 07:53:57 pm »

[EN] System of effects for when a player is killed by another player.
[ES] Sistema de efectos para cuando un jugador es matado por otro jugador.

  • Dead Sky Effect
  • Dead Camera Effect
  • Show Stats Opponent Chat Msg

  • Show Stats Opponent Screen Msg


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Effects System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
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# -------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Sky Effect Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Dead Sky Effect:
# Default: False
DeadSkyEffectEnabled = False

# Enabled effect only in instance zone:
# Default: False
DeadSkyEffectInInstance = False

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Show Stats Opponent System Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Show Stats Opponent:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentEnabled = False

# Enabled Chat Text Message:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentChatMsgEnabled = False

# Enabled Screen Message:
# Default: False
ShowStatsOpponentScreenMsgEnabled = False

# Time of Screen Message (seconds):
# Default: 3
ShowStatsOpponentScreenMsgTime = 3

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Dead Camera Effect Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Dead Camera Effect:
# Default: False
DeadCameraEffectEnabled = False

# Enabled effect only in instance zone:
# Default: False
DeadCameraEffectInInstance = False

# Force distance of objects (Camera<->Killer):
# Default: 10
DeadCameraEffectDistanceForce = 10

# Killer point of view:
# North = 90, South = 270, East = 0, West = 180
# Default: 0
DeadCameraEffectAngle1 = 0

# Killer camera angles (coefficient):
# Default: 5
DeadCameraEffectAngle2 = 5

# Movement speed of the camera (milliseconds):
# Default: 5000
DeadCameraEffectTime = 5000

# Range to movement speed of the camera (milliseconds):
# Default: DeadCameraEffectTime/2
DeadCameraEffectRange = 2500

# Animation delay (milliseconds):
# Default: 3000
DeadCameraEffectDuration = 5000

# Other Settings:
DeadCameraEffectYaw = 0
DeadCameraEffectPitch = 1
DeadCameraEffectWide = 0
DeadCameraEffectAngle3 = 0

Link to download:

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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Raid Boss Spawn Event
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 15 de Abril de 2017, 04:18:27 pm »

[EN] Automatic event, when a random raid boss appears. All players who helped kill him are rewarded.
[ES] Evento automatico, cuando esta activo aparece un raid boss aleatorio. Todos los jugadores que ayudaron a matarlo son recompensados.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Raid Boss Spawn Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Raid Boss Spawn:
# Default: False
RaidBossSpawnEnabled = False

# Enabled log message console:
# Default: False
RaidBossSpawnLogEnabled = False

# Location for Event NPC to spawn in form x,y,z:
# Default: [ { x = 149494 , y = 46770, z = -3408 } ] // Coliseum Aden
RaidBossSpawnCoords = [ { x = 149494 , y = 46770, z = -3408 } ]

# Time to start event (minutes):
# Default: 30
RaidBossSpawnStartTime = 30

# Time to restart event (minutes):
# Default: 300
RaidBossSpawnRestartTime = 300

# Active event time (minutes):
# Default: 60
RaidBossSpawnDurationTime = 60

# List of mobs for the event:
# Default: ["25527", "25319"]
RaidBossSpawnNpcId = ["25527", "25319"]

# Ratio of mob to player for reward:
# Default: 1500
RaidBossSpawnRatio = 1500

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
RaidBossSpawnRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]

# Drop setting:
# Default: [ { idDrop = 1539 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 85 }, { idDrop = 728 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 75 }, { idDrop = 1538 , minDrop = 1 , maxDrop = 10 , chanceDrop = 50 } ]
RaidBossSpawnDropRewards = [ { idDrop = 1539 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 85 }, { idDrop = 728 , minDrop = 25 , maxDrop = 100 , chanceDrop = 75 }, { idDrop = 1538 , minDrop = 1 , maxDrop = 10 , chanceDrop = 50 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Kill The Mob Event
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 15 de Abril de 2017, 03:45:51 pm »

[EN] Automatic event, when active who kills the indicated mob, will get an additional reward.
[ES] Evento automatico, cuando esta activo quien mate al mob indicado, obtendra una recompensa adicional.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kill The Mob Event Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Kill The Mob:
# Default: False
KillTheMobEnabled = False

# Enabled log message console:
# Default: False
KillTheMobLogEnabled = False

# Time to start event (minutes):
# Default: 10
KillTheMobStartTime = 10

# Time to restart event (minutes):
# Default: 180
KillTheMobRestartTime = 180

# Active event time (minutes):
# Default: 30
KillTheMobDurationTime = 30

# Multiplies the rate of XP dropped from monster:
# Default: 2
KillTheMobRateXp = 2

# Multiplies the rate of SP dropped from monster:
# Default: 2
KillTheMobRateSp = 2

# List of mobs to kill in event:
# Default: ["22857", "22828"]
KillTheMobNpcId = ["22857", "22828"]

# Rewards for player:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]
ModKillTheMobRewards = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 1000 } ]


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
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