Autor Tema: L2JDevs Project Mighty  (Leído 11710 veces)

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L2JDevs Project Mighty
« en: 18 de Julio de 2017, 07:12:01 pm »
Hi guys!

If you're looking this post is because you're interesting in L2JDevs suscription. Great!

Some of the features:

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The suscription includes the following:

  • All mods of Mods Engine free.
  • All events of Events Engine free.
  • Bugs priorization.
  • Private group chat with the L2JDevs team members.
  • Compiled server pack with, at least, one update per month.
  • Access to the private source repository (Need user in You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login).
  • Access to the private geodata repository (Need user in You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login).
  • Access to Geo Files VIP area and support.
  • Access to the VIP area and support.
  • A license for your l2jdevs-server.

Suscription Price:

The suscription costs 3000 €/year. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

Renovation Price:

The renewal of this subscription costs €750,00 € per year.
  • Price valid for all users who have the premium rank in the community.
  • To renew contact the administrator You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

If you're interesting in the suscription but you don't need a year suscription or you don't have the totally money, contact me by PM to talk about that.

Best regards.