Autor Tema: [TODO] Customizations  (Leído 5278 veces)

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[TODO] Customizations
« en: 18 de Julio de 2017, 07:12:13 pm »
New properties for customizations!

We have added values for some features that we thought were missing to add.


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Customizations available:

Agro Range
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aggro Range Setting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enables the limit for max aggro range.
# Default: False
AllowMaxAggroRange = False

# Sets the max limit of the aggro range.
# Keep in mind if the Npc has an AI aggro range, this value will be ignored.
# Default: 500
MaxAggroRange = 500
Party Member Setting
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Party Member Setting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change max member in party:
# Important! More than 12 players is possible critic in client.
# Default: 9
MaxPartyMembers = 9
Summon Siege
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Summon Siege Golem in Territory War Setting
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allows you to use Siege Machines in Territory War.
# Default: False
AllowSummonSiegeGolemInTW = False
Super Haste GM
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom GM Super Haste
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Increase stats on retail GM Super Haste
# Default: False
EnableCustomSuperHaste = False
Item Brocker bet Radius
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Item Brocker Bet Radius
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If enabled, the player can not bet beyond the radius of the NPC Item Brocker.
# Default: False
EnableItemBrockerBetRadius = False

# Item Brocker action range.
# Default: 700
MaxItemBrockerBetRadius = 700
Curse Level
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# Disable Raid Curse if raid more than 8 levels lower.
# Caution: drop will be reduced or even absent if DeepBlue drop rules enabled. 
# Default: False
DisableRaidCurse = False

# Select Raid Curse gap lvl
# Default: 8
RaidCurseLevel = 8
Champions Rewards
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# % Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a equal level Champion mob.
# Default: 0
ChampionRewardSameLvlItemChance = 0
Premium System
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Premium Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled premium mode by item:
# Default: False
PremiumItemEnabled = False

# List of item premium:
# Default: 2807,3470
PremiumItemList = 2807,3470

# Enabled premium mode by access level:
# Default: False
PremiumAccessLevelEnabled = False

# Access level require:
# Default: 5
PremiumAccessLevel = 5

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Effects Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visual Effect for player (AbnormalVisualEffect: PARALYZE, SILENCE, ...):
PremiumEffect = STIGMA_OF_SILEN

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multiplier Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Experience multiplier value.
# Default: 2
PremiumRateXp = 2

# Skill points multiplier value.
# Default: 2
PremiumRateSp = 2

# Experience multiplier value in party.
# Default: 2
PremiumRatePartyXp = 2

# Skill points multiplier value in party.
# Default: 2
PremiumRatePartySp = 2

# Modify the rate of reward of all extractable items and skills.
# Default: 2.
PremiumRateExtractable = 2.