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New year, new features!
« en: 01 de Febrero de 2020, 05:56:30 pm »
After the great increase in activity, both the private and public projects have decided to make some changes and improvements.

Subscription Changes

The price of this subscription will undergo the following changes:

  • Initial subscription price will not be the same as the renewal, all this as long as it is renewed within the period of validity of the subscription.
  • Price of git access to the standard compiled pack only increases by 50€.
  • The possibility of making the semi-annual payment is added, designed for users, who for the reason they have, do not want to risk renew annually.

The new price conditions are detailed below:

  • Initial Price: 200€ (16,66€ per month) (as long as it is a new registration or put another way, the first year), under the same terms and conditions as the previous subscribers.
  • Semi-annual renewal price 40% discount about the initial price, devised for users who are within the term of their subscription and wish to renew, 120€ (20€ per month) for the renewal or extension of 6 more months.
  • Annual renewal price 25% discount about the initial price, devised for users who are within the term of their subscription and wish to renew, 150€ (12,50€ per month) for the renewal or extension of 12 more months.
New Goals:
  • L2JLauncher: We are already working on the new launcher and updater, we will have a public and private version that will be customizable..
  • L2JAuthorization: We have released to the private version a licensing system for its control and protection.
  • L2JEventEngine: We will resume the event engine, adapting and improving it. It will only be available for the public and private version of L2JDevs.
  • Multi Chronicles: We will take the current project to support other chronicles; Interlude, Epilogue, ...
  • Vote Server Web: Soon we will have our own web top server, with voting system every 24 hours.

Remind you that we are still looking for collaborators! If you want to help with our project and get to be part of our team of developers, start reporting errors, offering improvements, repairs, etc.

Greetings from the whole team, we keep working!