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Information & News / Updated to Java 15
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 20 de Marzo de 2021, 01:20:03 am »

Now we use java 15 for our projects, update!

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Information & News / Up to SMF 2.0.18!
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 06 de Febrero de 2021, 12:37:03 am »
Community updated to SMF 2.0.18!

The patch is focused on PHP 7.4 support as well as other issues encountered on previous versions such as:
  • Policy acceptance missing id_member.
  • Addresses PHP parse errors when using SMF file cache
  • Avoids truncating Settings.php until after we have a lock on the file
  • Tighten up security checks, bring in sync with 2.1
  • Brought the UTF16-to-UTF8 logic over from 2.1
  • Always include email address when downloading user's own profile data
  • Fix missing info affecting logging for new registrations
  • Fixes bugs with multi-version jumps (via CLI) where settings weren't refreshed
  • Set utf8 as default going forward

Information & News / Open project closed!
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 06 de Febrero de 2021, 12:31:02 am »
First of all, thank you for all the collaboration shown. Together we have managed to create one of the best lineage 2 emulators.

Starting today, we will only focus on our private products (serverpack, geodata, engine, etc.). As well as the incorporation of new chronicles / versions of Lineage 2.

Clarify that our mods system will remain free, and will even adapt to all requested emulators.

Information & News / Happy New Year 2021!
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 31 de Diciembre de 2020, 06:30:20 pm »

All the L2JDevs team we wish you happy holidays and a
Events General Information / [INFO][EVENTS] General Information
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 04 de Diciembre de 2020, 11:54:25 pm »

L2JDevs Events Engine is an add-on, fully written in Java, for L2J servers that allows you add events without any server modification.


Our engine has two types of events, Main-Events and Mini-Events.
  • Main-Events: Are the classic massive events such as TvT DM, or CTF, with lots of players. Only one main event can be runned at a time and in order to participate.
  • Mini-Events: Are small events like 1vs1, 5vs5, Korean,... they are running non-stop; they start as soon as enought players register for one match. They are completelly instanced (means there can be more simultaneous mini events) and they run in random arenas.
* If you want to know more information about the events visit the section You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login or would you like to know more about the progress of the engine, visit You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.

  • Update to java 14.
  • Update to java 15.
  • Update to java 16.
  • Multilanguage support.
  • Change configuration of event to xml file.
  • Grand events muti-instances, ramdom select.
  • Screen info event system, state, score, top list, time.
  • Sound system for event.
  • Global messages of npc event.
  • Messages for players in event.
  • Event in custom instances.
  • Buff manager for events.
  • Door system for event.
  • Individual lang text for events.
  • Fence system for event.
  • Npc spawn system for event.
  • Observation event mode por external players.
  • Fully configurable.
  • No need to modify the server source.
  • Stored buffs in database.
  • Multi instance events.
  • Possibility of creating personal events.
  • Restore to event the players logout.
  • Restricted Item List in events.
  • Restricted Skill List in events.
  • Auto generate random team.
  • And more!

  • Dual box protection system.
  • AFK protection system.
  • Spawn time protection.
  • Friendly fire configuration.
  • Disconnection prevention.
Events General Information / [INFO][EVENTS] Configuration Guide
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 04 de Diciembre de 2020, 11:54:08 pm »

The evetnsengine instantiation consists of two parts, the first is to make the events engine be loaded on the server and finally, to incorporate the events.


Only available for L2JDevs Premium Users, it is built into our private emulator.

Engine Instalation:
  • Inside the .rar, go to L2JEventsEngine/libs, copy L2JEventsEngine.jar and paste it inside libs folder in your server project.
  • Re-compile your server files. This is really necessary because now you have the event jar inside libs folder it'll generate the classpath (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, just know it's mandatory).
  • Get the new l2jserver.jar, copy and paste it inside your server folder in game/. You have to replace the old one.
  • Copy L2JEventsEngine.jar again and paste it inside libs in your server.
  • Inside the engine .rar, search for the folder 'game', copy and paste it in your server folder. This will add the script to initialize the engine in the following route: game/data/scripts/custom/L2JEventsEngine.
  • Last step! Open your scripts.cfg and paste the line custom/L2JEventsEngine/

Event Instalation:
  • Download event in the following You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login(link is only available for subscribers).
  • Paste the event jars inside game/eventsengine/events folder.
  • When you start the server, if everything went well, you'll see the configuration files generated inside events folder.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# L2JDevs Event Engine (By L2JDevs Team)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
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# Sign up and join our community!
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled event engine and events.
# Default = True
EventEngineEnabled = True

# Show system messages, not recommended in live mode.
# Default = False
EventLogEnabled = False

# Show message of engine to all players when they log in.
# Default = True
LoginMessageEnabled = True

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Npc Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Event Manager NPC ID.
# Default = 36600
NpcManagerId = 36600

# Npc event message type:
# Options 1: ALL, for all players.
# Options 2: NEAR, for range players.
# Default = ALL
NpcManagerMessageType = ALL

# Range of reach from the npc.
# Default = 1200
NpcManagerMsgRange = 1200

# Can use services in combat mode:
# Default: False
NpcServicesInCombatState = False

# Can use services in flag mode:
# Default: False
NpcServicesInFlagState = False

# Can use services in karma mode:
# Default: False
NpcServicesInKarmaState = False

# Can use services with a curse weapon:
# Default: False
NpcServicesInKaoticState = False

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Buff Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Max buff number per player.
# CAUTION: It must be less than Config.BUFFS_MAX_AMOUNT!
# Default: 6
MaxPlayerBuff = 6

# Max buff number per page:
# Default: 10
MaxBuffInList = 10

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Votes & Register Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Time available to vote for the desired event in minutes.
# Default: 5
VoteTimeDuration = 5

# Time available to register in minutes.
# Default: 5
RegisterTimeDuration = 5

# In case of cancellation, waiting time to restart voting system in minutes.
# Default: 3
RestartEventTimeDuration = 3

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Minimum level of players that may join the event.
# Default: 40
MinPlayerLevel = 40

# Maximum level of players that may join the event.
# Default: 85
MaxPlayerLevel = 85

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Mini Events Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Minimum amount of players allowed in each mini event.
# Default: 2
MinPlayerMiniEvent = 2

# Maximum amount of players allowed in each mini event.
# Default: 10
MaxPlayerMiniEvent = 10

# List of objects allowed as currency in mini events:
# Default: ["57","5575","6392","6393","14720","14721"]
RewardsItemListMiniEvent = ["57","5575","6392","6393","14720","14721"]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Features Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled or disabled sound in event.
# Default: True
SoundSystemEnabled = True

# Enabled or disabled text screen in event.
# Default: False
ExScreenMessageEnabled = False

# Enabled or disabled stats screen in event.
# Default: True
ExScreenStatsEnabled = True

# Enabled or disabled special screen in event.
# Default: True
ExScreenStateEnabled = True

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Restrictions Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Restrict specified items in event:
# Equipped items will be moved to inventory during event. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. ["1","200","350"])
# Default: ["6611","6612","6613","6614","6615","6616","6617","6618","6619","6620","6621","9388","9389","9390","17049","17050","17051","17052","17053","17054","17055","17056","17057","17058","17059","17060","17061","20759","20775","20776","20777","20778","14774"]
RestrictedItemList = ["6611","6612","6613","6614","6615","6616","6617","6618","6619","6620","6621","9388","9389","9390","17049","17050","17051","17052","17053","17054","17055","17056","17057","17058","17059","17060","17061","20759","20775","20776","20777","20778","14774"]

# Restrict specified skill in event:
# Player skill not allowed during event. SkillID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. ["1","200","350"])
# Default: ["840","841","842","5982","5983"]
RestrictedSkillList = ["840","841","842","5982","5983"]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Protection Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Spawn protection in seconds.
# Default = 10
PlayerTimeProtection = 10

# Enabled Dual-Box protection for event.
# Default = True
DualBoxProtectionEnabled = True

# Number of maximum connections allowed from the same IP.
# Default = 1
DualBoxProtectionMaxAllowed = 1

# Enabled Anti-AFK protection, expels inactive players during the event.
# Default = True
AFKSystemEnabled = True

# Determine runtime in seconds.
# Default = 30
AFKTimeEnabled = 30

If you have any trouble, please, contact us for help.
Mods Pack / [MOD] Achievement System
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 07 de Noviembre de 2020, 12:53:06 am »

[EN] Achievement system with rewards, fully configurable.
[ES] Sistema de objetivos con recompensas, totalmente configurable.



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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Achievement System Mod (By L2JDevs Mods Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
# Telegram group ->
# Sign up and join our community!
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled Achievement System:
# Default: False
AchievementSystemEnabled = False

# Check if the player is in a peace zone to use this feature:
# Default: False
ZoneConditionEnabled = False

# Check if the player not is dead to use this feature:
# Default: False
DeadConditionEnabled = False

# Check if the player not is in combat state to use this feature:
# Default: False
CombatConditionEnabled = False

Structure of Achievements.xml:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<list xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Achievements.xsd">

<!-- ITEM TYPE -->
<achievement id="10" group="1" type="ITEM" name="Adena" info="desc_adena" icon="Icon.etc_adena_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" itemId="57" count="10000" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" itemId="57" count="25000" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" itemId="57" count="500000" repeat="false" reward="6393,2"/>
<achievement id="11" group="1" type="ITEM" name="Ancient Adena" info="desc_ancient_adena" icon="Icon.etc_ancient_adena_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" itemId="5575" count="10000" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" itemId="5575" count="25000" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" itemId="5575" count="500000" repeat="false" reward="6393,2"/>

<!-- KILL TYPE -->
<achievement id="20" group="2" type="PVP_KILL" name="PvP" info="desc_pvp_kill" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="5" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="21" group="2" type="PK_KILL" name="PK" info="desc_pk_kill" icon="Icon.skill5074" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="5" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="22" group="2" type="KILL_MOB" name="Kill Mobs" info="desc_kill_mob" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="5" repeat="false" reward="6392,2"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6392,3"/>
<achievement id="23" group="2" type="KILL_CHAMPION" name="Champion" info="desc_kill_campion" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="5" repeat="false" reward="6392,2"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6392,3"/>
<achievement id="24" group="2" type="KILL_BOOS" name="Killer Boss" info="desc_kill_boss" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" npcId="25054" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Hallate -->
<terms level="2" npcId="25126" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Kernon -->
<terms level="3" npcId="25126" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Golkonda -->
<achievement id="25" group="2" type="KILL_GRAND_BOOS" name="Grand Boss" info="desc_kill_grand_boss" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" npcId="29020" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Baium -->
<terms level="2" npcId="29028" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Valakas -->
<terms level="3" npcId="29019" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Antharas -->

<!-- PLAYER TYPE -->
<achievement id="30" group="3" type="LEVEL_UP" name="Level" info="desc_level_up" icon="Icon.skill1323" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="55" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="85" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<achievement id="31" group="3" type="ONLINE" name="Gamer" info="desc_online" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="1" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="7" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="15" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="32" group="3" type="KARMA" name="Caothic" info="desc_karma" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="100" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="250" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="500" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="33" group="3" type="OLYS_POINTS" name="Olympiads" info="desc_oly_points" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="50" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="100" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="34" group="3" type="BOSS_POINTS" name="Boss Points" info="desc_boss_points" icon="Icon.skill5661" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="50" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="100" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="35" group="3" type="QUEST" name="Quest" info="desc_quest" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="25" repeat="false" reward="6392,2"/>
<terms level="3" count="50" repeat="false" reward="6392,3"/>

<achievement id="40" group="4" type="REC_POINT" name="Recomendation" info="desc_rec" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="100" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="200" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="41" group="4" type="WEDDING" name="Married" info="desc_wedding" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="42" group="4" type="NOBLE" name="Noble" info="desc_noble" icon="Icon.skill1323" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="43" group="4" type="HERO" name="Hero" info="desc_hero" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="44" group="4" type="CURSED" name="Cursed Weapon" info="desc_cursed" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="45" group="4" type="ENCHANT" name="Enchant Item" info="desc_enchant" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="6" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="12" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="4" count="16" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>

<achievement id="50" group="5" type="CLAN_CREATE" name="Clan Leader" info="desc_clan_leader" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="51" group="5" type="CLAN_CH" name="Clan Hall" info="desc_clan_hall" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="52" group="5" type="CLAN_FORTRESS" name="Clan Fortress" info="desc_clan_fortress" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="53" group="5" type="CLAN_CASTLE" name="Clan Castle" info="desc_clan_castle" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="54" group="5" type="CLAN_LEVEL" name="Clan Level" info="desc_clan_level" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="6" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="55" group="5" type="CLAN_MEMBRES" name="Clan Members" info="desc_clan_members" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="2" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="5" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="56" group="5" type="CLAN_REPUTATION" name="Clan Reputation" info="desc_clan_rep" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="100" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="250" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="500" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<achievement id="57" group="5" type="CLAN_ENEMIES" name="Clan Enemies" info="desc_clan_enemies" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="1" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="2" count="2" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>
<terms level="3" count="3" repeat="false" reward="6393,1"/>

<!-- FAKE TYPE -->
<achievement id="60" group="6" type="DEAD" name="Dead Man" info="desc_dead" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" count="10" repeat="true" reward="6392,1"/>
<achievement id="61" group="6" type="REMOVE_ITEM" name="Delete Adena" info="desc_remove_item" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" itemId="57" count="10000000" repeat="true" reward="6392,1"/>
<achievement id="62" group="6" type="KILL_NPC" name="Kill Guard" info="desc_kill_npc" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" npcId="111000" repeat="true" reward="6392,1"/> <!-- Custom Guard -->
<achievement id="63" group="6" type="JAIL" name="In Jail" info="desc_jail" icon="Icon.etc_royal_membership_i00" enabled="true">
<terms level="1" npcId="111000" count="10" repeat="false" reward="6392,1"/>


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Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Events Pack / [EVENT] Last Man
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 25 de Octubre de 2020, 07:52:43 pm »

[EN] Single pvp event, the surviving player is the winner. Fully configurable.
[ES] Evento pvp individual, el jugador superviviente es el ganador. Totalmente configurable.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Last Man Event (By L2JDevs Event Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
# Telegram group ->
# Sign up and join our community!
# -------------------------------------------------------
# General Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Event name:
# Default: LastMan
EventName = LastMan

# Event free waiting time (in seconds).
# Default: 5
EventWaitingTime = 5

# Event running time (in minutes).
# Default: 10
EventRunningTime = 10

# Minimum amount of players for start event:
# Default: 2
EventMinPlayers = 2

# Maximum amount of players in event:
# Default: 100
EventMaxPlayers = 100

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Reward Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Rewards for winner player or team:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]
EventWinnerReward = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]

# Rewards bonus for player to kill:
# Default: [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]
EventBonusReward = [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Features Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Activate the friendly fire, allows attacking players of the same team.
# Default = True
FriendlyFireEnabled = False

# Event Rules:
EventPotionsAllowed = True
EventScrollsAllowed = True
EventSubclassAllowed = True
EventBuffAllowed = True

Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Events Pack / [EVENT] Domination
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 25 de Octubre de 2020, 07:51:27 pm »

[EN] Pvp team event and capture the enemy base. Fully configurable.
[ES] Evento por equipos pvp y capturar la base enemiga. Totalmente configurable.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Domination Event (By L2JDevs Event Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
# Telegram group ->
# Sign up and join our community!
# -------------------------------------------------------
# General Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Event name:
# Default: Domination
EventName = Domination

# Event free waiting time (in seconds).
# Default: 5
EventWaitingTime = 5

# Event running time (in minutes).
# Default: 10
EventRunningTime = 10

# Minimum amount of players for start event:
# Default: 2
EventMinPlayers = 2

# Maximum amount of players in event:
# Default: 100
EventMaxPlayers = 100

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Reward Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Rewards for winner player or team:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]
EventWinnerReward = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]

# Rewards bonus for player to kill:
# Default: [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]
EventBonusReward = [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Features Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Activate the friendly fire, allows attacking players of the same team.
# Default = True
FriendlyFireEnabled = False

# Event Rules:
EventPotionsAllowed = True
EventScrollsAllowed = True
EventSubclassAllowed = True
EventBuffAllowed = True

Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
Events Pack / [EVENT] Death Match
« Último mensaje por U3Games en 25 de Octubre de 2020, 07:50:08 pm »

[EN] Individual player vs player event, fully configurable.
[ES] Evento player vs player individual, totalmente configurable.


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Death Match Event (By L2JDevs Event Engine)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# More information ->
# Telegram group ->
# Sign up and join our community!
# -------------------------------------------------------
# General Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Event name:
# Default: DeathMatch
EventName = DeathMatch

# Event free waiting time (in seconds).
# Default: 5
EventWaitingTime = 5

# Event running time (in minutes).
# Default: 10
EventRunningTime = 10

# Minimum amount of players for start event:
# Default: 2
EventMinPlayers = 2

# Maximum amount of players in event:
# Default: 100
EventMaxPlayers = 100

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Reward Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Rewards for winner player or team:
# Default: [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]
EventWinnerReward = [ { id = 3470 , count = 1 }, { id = 57, count = 100000 } ]

# Rewards bonus for player to kill:
# Default: [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]
EventBonusReward = [ { id = 57, count = 2500 } ]

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Features Setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Activate the friendly fire, allows attacking players of the same team.
# Default = True
FriendlyFireEnabled = False

# Event Rules:
EventPotionsAllowed = True
EventScrollsAllowed = True
EventSubclassAllowed = True
EventBuffAllowed = True

Upcoming Features:

Green ------- Feature that has already been tested and added.
Orange ----- Feature in development or partially done.
Red --------- Feature is not yet available.
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